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OpenBeam aligned community projects

 The following are projects that OpenBeam is either interested in (and therefore logging and following their progress) or to whose progress we have made some amount of contributions:

Project Phase Definitions

The following defines the various project phases:

  1. Archived - proposal deemed unable to get through the project cycle at this time (eg. grant proposal did not get selected); Ideation - an idea or concept that has some amount of social appeal for further exploration. 
  2. Concept- idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  3. Planning - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Development - program or application is being developed
  5.  On-going program - a product, program or service is in production or the project is completed (e.g. A funded grant was successfully executed). 

Archived or Ideation

Concept Phase

Planning Phase

Development Phase

On-going or Completed

Arts & Culture: Legacy Arts and Cultural Heritage

Description: Preserve and honor the cultural heritage of Minnesota, provide education and student outreach on cultural diversity, empower communities to build their identify and culture
Impacting : Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam
Led by : Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC)

Business Process: Minnesota Compass

Description: Minnesota Compass is a social indicators project that measures progress in our state and its communities. Led by Wilder Research, Minnesota Compass provides nonpartisan, credible information and tracks trends in topic areas such as education, economy, workforce, health, housing, and a host of others. Data and analysis on gives everyone in our state – policymakers, business and community leaders, and concerned individuals who live and work here – a common foundation to identify, understand, and act on issues that affect our communities.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Business Process ; Consultancy ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Education ; Metrics ; OpenBeam ; Public Safety ; Reading ; Special Needs ; Sustainability ; Technology Enablement
Led by : Wilder Research

Caring Relationship: Human Libray of Southeaster Minnesota

Description: The Human Library, an initiative developed by the World Culture Center in Denmark, allows people and organizations to check out human "books" for a unique learning experience. If you want to know what it's like to be, say, a single mother, a homeless person, a refugee, or a gay man, you check one out of the library and they share their personal story and answer your questions.
Impacting : Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam
Led by : Diversity Council

Economic Development: BioRochester and MedHub 3.0

Description: DMC EDA is submitting BioRochester proposal for the Federal Tech Hubs grant. The Tech Hubs Program is an economic development initiative designed to drive regional technology- and innovation-centric growth by strengthening a region’s capacity to manufacture, commercialize, and deploy critical technologies. This program will invest directly in regions with the assets, resources, capacity, and potential to transform into globally competitive innovation centers in approximately 10 years while catalyzing the creation of good jobs for American workers at all skill levels, both equitably and inclusively.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Funding ; OpenBeam ; STEM ; Technology Enablement ; Workforce Development
Led by : DMC EDA

Entrepreneurship: Collider Inclusion Open Entrepreneur Ecosystem Navigator

Description: A three-phase solution to empower underserved entrepreneurs and to reduce the isolation and stressors of entrepreneurship through the creation of an Ecosystem Navigator Program. Navigators will serve as personal guides, meeting one-on-one with entrepreneurs to better understand their personal and professional needs as well as work to connect each entrepreneur with the appropriate events, services, and people they need to help individual entrepreneurs overcome their unique barriers to success.
Impacting : Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Entrepreneurship ; OpenBeam ; Workforce Development
Led by : Collider Foundation

Health: Project HEALINGS of MN

Description: HEALINGS provides an opportunity to close vaccination gaps and solve persistent health inequities by galvanizing disparate regional efforts and forging unbreakable connections between BIPOC Minnesotans and the state, local, private, and nonprofit entities that serve them. More than 250,000 touches that will establish a formidable network of human relationships to fulfill current COVID priorities and lay a foundation for equitable management of major health events arising in the future. The initiative will focus on Minnesota’s major population centers and the tribal communities of the Anishinaabe and Dakota.
Impacting : Best Practice ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Medical Services ; OpenBeam ; Pandemic
Led by : Diversity Council

Health: Health Equity: Community Health Collaboration Portal

Description: Co-design and apply the emerging operational model of Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC), which attends to transparency, accountability, responsiveness, process-centric (TARP) attributes of collaboration, in a 12 month digital-innovation proof-of-concept project to validate results of increased productivity and improved participant experience in the 2024 Community Health Improvement process.
Impacting : Addiction ; Caring Relationship ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Medical Services ; Mental Health ; OpenBeam ; Vision/Identity
Led by : Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC)

Health Determinants: NIH ComPASS: Intersection of Food, Culture & Health Grant Proposal

Description: Forming coalition to apply to the grant. The purpose of this Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA) is to solicit applications from community organizations to develop, implement, assess, and disseminate co-created community-led, health equity structural interventions, in partnership with research organizations, that intervene upon structural factors that produce and perpetuate health disparities.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Food ; Health ; OpenBeam
Led by : National Institutes of Health Common Fund

Metrics: Maintain and Evolve the 2016 Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points (Community Dashboard)

Description: The 2016 Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points report has been available since Oct. 2016. The new project is to look at ways to maintain and sustain the dashboard. Working with Minnesota Compass to implement a social indicators dashboard that measures progress in Olmsted County. Compass tracks trends in topic areas such as education, economy and workforce, health, housing, public safety, and a host of others.
Impacting : Metrics ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Description: Many area Community Based Organizations(CBO) to their credit are embarking on DEI projects and seek friendly guidance how to get going. OpenBeam to help identify actions that area organizations may pursue to make impacts on area's DEI needs. OpenBeam to provide assistance in two ways : (1) OpenBeam's founder, Al Lun, will serve as Diversity Council ambassador to be a conduit of information sharing between the CBO's and Diversity Council. If requested, a DC staff person may also join in the effort. (2) OpenBeam's community assets database is made available to enable community resources connectivity in general.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Co-designing: Co-design Tracker

Description: To showcase Rochester Area's Co-design projects and to track the progress toward implementing their recommendations.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Business Process ; Co-design ; Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam
Led by : OpenBeam

Diversity and Inclusion: Intercultural Center, Rochester (Creating a 21st Century Community Space)

Description: A Place for All. Third Sector's shared space concept would provide a common entry point to community resources through its "front door" concept. Seeking 40,000 - 50,000 sf of public space for 3 core uses.  Community Cultural Center providing interactive gathering spaces for civic engagement, education, celebration.  Community Front Door offering a centralized entry point for individuals seeking access to community resources and activities.  Nonprofit COOP functions as the enterprise, funding general operations for the entire facility while creating operational efficiencies for NPOs.
Impacting : Arts & Culture ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Food ; Interaction ; International ; Intelligence ; Language ; OpenBeam ; Welcoming
Led by : Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC)

Economic Development: Rochester Intercultural Economic Exchange (RICE)

Description: Many Rochester groups have individual efforts to increase cultural and trade relationship with emerging global markets. These efforts can be made more effective if coordinated and they receive a local leadership sponsorship from local governments and business leaders. Rochester-MN with its DMC initiative is in a unique position to play a brokering role.
Impacting : Best Practice ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Entrepreneurship ; International ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Health Determinants: NIH Challenge Grant - Build Up Trust

Description: On increasing underserved communities participation in disease research. The NIH Build UP Trust prize challenge aims to utilize new and existing strategies to improve engagement with underserved populations, in order to generate new solutions that address trust as a barrier to the adoption of both new and existing healthcare tools and diagnostics.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Mental Health ; OpenBeam
Led by : National Institutes of Health Common Fund

Technology Enablement: Digital Equity IT
Description: Increase access to and effective use of technological devices and programs among communities experiencing barriers in the Rochester area. To do this, we will generate immediate and longer-term solutions related to the following barriers to access: 1) technological devices/hardware with appropriate software installed (computers and tablets); 2) affordable, reliable internet; and 3) culturally appropriate education to support digital literacy.
Impacting : Children & Youth ; Computer Literacy ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by : Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium

Vision/Identity: America's City for Health

Description: Interlocking between DMC, Olmsted County and Rochester City and Community organizations to ensure social impacts are factored into DMC project evaluation process and City Comprehensive Plan (P2S).
Impacting : Aging ; Best Practice ; Business Process ; Civic Engagement ; Commitment ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Governance/Public Policy ; Health ; Housing ; International ; Intelligence ; Mental Health ; OpenBeam ; Sustainability ; Technology Enablement ; Transportation ; Workforce Development
Led by : DMC EDA

Description: You and many other community leaders are invited to join in this effort to begin to bring about positive change in 2024. We need your influence during the next 12 months to transform a negative environment into a community which is Full of Respect, and Who Value Others! Watch for a big announcement in January!
Impacting : Caring Relationship ; Civic Engagement ; CMRC ; Networking ; OpenBeam
Led by : National Community Resource Center

Diversity and Inclusion: DEI Practioner Convenings

Description: Rochester Area Foundation has signed on in support of the Commitment to Racial Justice that was crafted by the Rochester Nonprofit Consortium. Together, we stand in solidarity with those who seek justice and racial equity. We have committed to listen, learn and act in support of the following:  addressing the policies and practices that influence racism, structural bias and inequity;    connecting to resources, organizations, and best practices to apply a race equity lens; and   building capacity within our organization and community to promote social and economic mobility and wellbeing for all residents.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam
Led by : Rochester Area Foundation

Diversity and Inclusion: Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index

Description: The Intercultural City Initiative is a bold effort on the part of a wide variety of organizations and individuals to align the collective power, creativity, expertise, and energy of our cities toward a future of inclusive growth. Inspired by the comprehensive and coordinated approach of the Council of Europe Intercultural City program, Minnesota’s Intercultural City Initiative is focused on using high leverage influence strategies to realize this future faster.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Business Process ; Caring Relationship ; Commitment ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Governance/Public Policy ; International ; Intelligence ; Mediation ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement ; Vision/Identity
Led by : City of Rochester, MN

Technology Enablement: Partcipation in DEED's Digital Opportunity Plan

Description: 1.1.1 | Vision Statement This plan envisions a future where digital equity connects all Minnesota residents to opportunities, options, and each other. 1.1.2 | Goals and Objectives The following list provides a summary of Minnesota’s digital opportunity goals and objectives as proposed in this plan. Further details, including specific strategies and key performance indicators, are spelled out at length in Section 3.0. Goal 1: Connect People to People 1. Minnesota’s digital opportunity advocates and educators statewide are a strong, united group who can lean on each other for fresh ideas, new strategies, and consistent support. 2. All Minnesotans have access to a trusted provider of digital skills training, including training that addresses cybersecurity. 3. All Minnesotans have access to a trusted provider of quality technical support. Goal 2: Connect People to Information 1. Minnesotans can access comprehensive data and mapping tools to evaluate digital opportunity in their area as well as statewide. 2. All Minnesota cities, counties, and tribes have the opportunity to create localized data-driven digital opportunity plans to support their residents and tribal members. 3. All city, county, and tribal government units have the opportunity to re-design their websites so that they are fully accessible to people with disabilities and people with limited English literacy skills. Goal 3: Connect People to Resources 1. All Minnesota households have the option to afford the internet service available at their location. 2. All Minnesota adults have the option to have afford a large-screen device or smartphone, whichever most efficiently helps them access the applications they require. 3. New digital opportunity pathways reach Minnesotans who are at high risk for being digitally excluded.
Impacting : Aging ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Funding ; Health ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by : OpenBeam

Vision/Identity: Rochester Vision 2050

Description: Our city has undertaken a broad array of initiatives to create a bright future for her citizens and constituencies. These should be guided by a clear, optimistic, aspirational vision. 2050: Far enough for limitless possibilities; close enough to begin today to serve Rochester’s next generation and beyond. Vision 2050 Steering Committee guides this initiative A large volunteer group will put “Vision in Action”, using co-design to engage the community to share ideas and priorities for Rochester’s future.
Impacting : Arts & Culture ; Best Practice ; Caring Relationship ; Civic Engagement ; Co-design ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Education ; OpenBeam ; Vision/Identity
Led by : Office of the Mayor-City of Rochester

Description: Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) is a cross-sector initiative to ensure that residents of Olmsted County have what they need to live with autonomy and dignity in all life’s stages. When Olmsted County became a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities in early 2020, it officially joined a global movement, with roots in the World Health Organization, to help cities and communities respond to an aging population and prepare for a permanently older society.
Impacting : Aging ; Best Practice ; Caring Relationship ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Housing ; Mental Health ; OpenBeam ; Transportation
Led by : Family Service Rochester

Co-designing: Discovery Walk Co-designing

Description: Public realm along the 2nd Avenue corridor from 2nd Street to 6th Street (Soldiers Field.)
Impacting : Best Practice ; Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam ; Recreation & Open Space ; Vision/Identity
Led by : DMC EDA

Community Mobilization: Building Out Community Mobilization Resources Coalition

Description: Purpose: Change power dynamics to create a pluralistic and intercultural community where all people benefit equitably. Goal: Create equitable access to community resources and civic involvement.
Impacting : Aging ; Arts & Culture ; Best Practice ; Business Process ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Leadership ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by : Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC)

Education: RCTC/Perkins Collective Impact

Description: Collaborating with RCTC to strengthen Career and Technical Education: The Perkins V Federal Grant for Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides funds for approved Career and Technical Education programs. In Minnesota, funds are distributed on the basis of state-approved career and technical education programs and appropriate teacher licensure. Programs are administered under Minnesota Rules Chapter 3505 and the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
Impacting : CMRC ; Co-design ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Funding ; Governance/Public Policy ; Mentoring ; OpenBeam ; Workforce Development
Led by : Rochester Community & Technical College

Health Determinants: Joint Studies on tackling Racism as a Public Health Issue

Description: Olmsted County commissioners are looking to tackle racism as a public health issue. The board on August 4, 2020 unanimously approved a measure officially asking members of the county’s Public Health Services Advisory Board and Human Rights Commission to work together to investigate racism and disparities in health care.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Governance/Public Policy ; Health ; OpenBeam
Led by : County of Olmsted, MN

OpenBeam: OpenBeam: A "For Purpose" Enterprise

Description: Exploring the building out of Open Beam as a "For-Purpose" entity to support community initiatives. Many social/economical development initiatives suffer from vertical organizational structures that have their origin in the industrial age of emphasizing command and control. Vertical structures are silo in nature and do not facilitate cross structural information sharing and individual accountability. They inadvertently create distrust and thwart innovation. This project builds out the Open Beam entity to demonstrate how a “For-Purpose” dynamic organization works. The result is that Open Beam’s way of doing work becomes a proof point that we should let go of the traditional organizational model and adopt a holacratic framework to mobilize team effort. In so doing, Open Beam will help area non-profit or small organizations become more effective in their governance and their use of cloud technologies.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Business Process ; Entrepreneurship ; OpenBeam ; Pandemic ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Technology Enablement: Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Usage Enablement

Description: MS Office 365, comprising SharePoint, Outlook, Teams, Planner, Power Automate, Forms, etc, has been adopted and installed by many area non-profits, which is a good step toward cloud-based collaboration so that information and document sharing can take place outside the office. However, much of the power of Office 365 is not known to these organizations, such as how it can be used to build intranet/extranet websites and workflow applications that manage essential operations such as contact (Client/Donor) management. This project will lead to: (1) Getting small non-profits to better use products such as SharePoint and (2) Build simple CRM (or other apps) to demonstrate the quick app development capability of SharePoint, Power Automate.
Impacting : Business Process ; Mentoring ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Description: Many best-practiced communities have implemented community web-based dashboards to provide a "read-out" of the health and wellness metrics of the community. DMCC's website is a push technology and not so much as social, collaborative virtual teaming site. Olmsted County, Mayo, OMG (and others) have just completed a community health study and published a report. We should go further and have a plan to be more agile and responsive in changing statistics by implementing a dashboard.
Impacting : Best Practice ; Business Process ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Led by :

Diversity and Inclusion: Equity Alliance


Description: Our purpose is to accelerate equity change and impact disparities through reparations, restoration, and reformation based on radical collaboration.
Impacting : Diversity and Inclusion ; OpenBeam
Led by : DMC EDA

Diversity and Inclusion: RISE for Youth

Description: RISE for Youth is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Mayo Clinic and the Rochester branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) designed to help Black and underrepresented students transform themselves from youth with potential to competitive and empowered talent entering the workforce. The program aims to create new pathways for success by providing students with critical educational and leadership skills, training and long-term mentoring for successful careers in health care, science and beyond.
Impacting : Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mentoring ; OpenBeam ; STEM ; Technology Enablement
Led by : Mayo Clinic

Food: The Village Community Garden & Learning Center (VCGLC)

Description: The Village - Where We Grow Together! The Village Community Garden & Learning Center is a new community garden opening this 2019 growing season. The focus of this garden is to grow together as a community that comes from many parts of our world, and to learn about each other's traditions in food, arts, and culture. Thank you to Rochester Home Infusion for donating 11 acres for this project, and to our many partners at Diversity Council, Olmsted County, U of M Extension, Rochester Farmers Market, UMR, and RCTC. We are excited to share this new community asset with the city of Rochester and surrounding communities. This season will focus on the establishment of the garden through development of water resources, fencing, funding for event resources, and building our community of gardeners. We look forward to growing together!
Impacting : Arts & Culture ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Food ; Health ; Immigration ; OpenBeam
Led by : Diversity Council

Health Determinants: Community Health Assessment Process

Description: The Community Health Assessment Process is about improving the health and well-being of residents in Olmsted County. Every three years the community conducts a health needs assessment to determine Olmsted County’s leading health priorities; formulate a plan to address the needs; and publish an annual progress report. Olmsted County Public Health Services, Mayo Clinic, and Olmsted Medical Center engage with diverse partners across our community to lead this process.
Impacting : Addiction ; Aging ; Business Process ; Caring Relationship ; Chronic Illness ; Disabilities ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Mental Health ; OpenBeam
Led by : Olmsted County Public Health Services

Housing: Coalition for Rochester Area Housing

Description: A continuing project to realize this purpose: “We are a cross-sector Alliance of organizations and individuals who seek to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing that meets community needs and priorities in the Rochester area, through shared information, coordination, and collaboration.”
Impacting : Aging ; Business Process ; Commitment ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Housing ; Neighborhood ; OpenBeam
Led by : Rochester Area Foundation

Mentoring: Journie 8 Step Program

Description: Today's youth face many challenges on their journey through adolescence and transition into adulthood. At Journie, we know that our youth are smart, creative, and curious. We see their limitless potential and aim to provide them with the skills and resources to envision and attain their ideal future. Journie is unique in its provision of high-quality, ongoing mentorship in addition to needs-based education and interactive learned experience. Our staff at Journie are culturally competent and can provide life skills based off lived experience. Journie focuses not only on personal development, but on building a supportive, vibrant and engaged community for our young people where they can be naturally expressive in a safe, non-judgmental space.
Impacting : Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mentoring ; OpenBeam
Led by : Journie

STEM: Global Technovation Challenge

Description: Technovation is a 3-month program where teams of young women work together to imagine, design, and develop mobile apps, then pitch their “startup” businesses to investors.
Impacting : Children & Youth ; Computer Literacy ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mentoring ; OpenBeam ; STEM
Led by : Rochester Area Math and Science Partnership

Workforce Development: Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization

Description: To further increase participation rates of targeted businesses and workforce on DMC projects, four priorities have been identified that are outlined below. (1) Build capacity of Targeted Businesses located in Southeastern Minnesota (2) Assess gaps with existing subcontractors to determine market opportunity. (3) Recruit women and minorities from workforce to start their own companies. (4) Host workshops to educate entrepreneurs, provide consulting services for WMBVE certification process and assist with bid process to win contracts on DMC projects.
Impacting : CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Entrepreneurship ; OpenBeam ; Workforce Development
Led by : City of Rochester, MN