Enhancing Workforce Through Early Childhood Investments
When |
Oct 15, 2019
from 08:00 AM to 11:30 AM |
Where | Hilton Rochester Mayo Clinic Area (Rochester, MN) 10 East Center Street, Rochester, Minnesota 55904 |
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Learn how investing in Early Childhood Education is the best return on investment for a community and how it is also a workforce strategy.
What is the best public investment we can make for the benefit of businesses, nonprofits, and our community? Art Rolnick, former senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, will be here to tell us! Learn about the compelling economic and neuro-science research into why investments in early childhood education may be the highest economic return we can obtain. Join us for a continental breakfast and following Mr. Rolnick's talk, a panel of organizations who are implementing additional workforce strategies.
Arthur J. Rolnick is senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis, and an associate economist with the Federal Open Market Committee. His research interests include banking and financial economics, monetary policy and history, the economics of federalism and the economics of education. Most recently, he was adjunct professor of economics, MBA program, Lingnan College, Guangzhou, China. He has been a visiting professor of economics at Boston College, the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota. He is past president of the Minnesota Economic Association, member of the Minneapolis StarTribune’s Board of Economics and member of Minnesota’s Council of Economic Advisors.