Children First: A Community Conversation, Educating All Children
When |
Feb 20, 2020
from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM |
Where | 125 Live - Center for Active Adults (125 Elton Hill Dr. NW) |
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Retired Supreme Court Justice Alan Page and Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, will lead a community conversation about education on February 20 with the Rochester Diversity Council.
Justice Page and President Kashkari have proposed an amendment to the Minnesota constitution that would make quality public education the state's highest priority. At the event, they will discuss their proposal with local leaders and answer questions from the audience.
Rochester area leaders also will discuss their priorities around education and children for the 2020 Minnesota legislative session, and the vital role a strong education system plays in supporting a vibrant economy.
President Kashkari believes that nothing impacts our workforce and economy more than the education of our children. From his seat on the state's Supreme Court and as a dedicated education advocate, Justice Page has seen many attempts over the years to close these gaps, but, Minneapolis Fed research shows, none have worked.
The Bank recently released an in-depth report highlighting the vast differences statewide in educational outcomes for Minnesota children by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Kashkari and Page looked across the nation to see what other states have done to solve this critical problem. From that review, they developed their amendment proposal, a bold and powerful tool to put children first and to ensure that all children receive a quality education so they may reach their full potential.
They are eager to talk with you about it. Please join us.
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