Rochester Branch of the NAACP, 2023 Freedom Fund Banquet - Thriving Together
Uniting community, leaders, activists, and experts of all ages to build a brighter future for all of us.
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Community Activities
TechForward: 2020 Conference Agenda
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Community Activities
Feb 2025 Rochester Vision 2050 Community Engagement
Our city has undertaken a broad array of initiatives
to create a bright future for her citizens and
These should be guided by a clear, optimistic,
aspirational vision.
2050: Far enough for limitless possibilities; close
enough to begin today to serve Rochester’s next
generation and beyond.
Vision 2050 Steering Committee guides this
A large volunteer group will put “Vision in Action”,
using co-design to engage the community to share
ideas and priorities for Rochester’s future.
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Community Activities
City of Rochester
UMR: State of the Campus
Featuring Maroon and Bold Innovations as we move onward to lead transformation in higher education and empower graduates to solve the grand health challenges of the 21st century.
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CoStarters Start Something
CO.STARTERS helps communities build vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems by equipping them with
the best tools and resources needed to support starters of all kinds.
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RAF: DEI Practitioner Monthly Drop-In Session
Share in a safe space, build relationships, encourage, collaborate together.
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December 2022 Rochester Area Foundation: Winter DEI Practitioner Convening and Luncheon (By Invitation)
RAF’s DEI Committee has committed to supporting area DEI practitioners by providing space where relationships
can be strengthened, wisdom can be shared, opportunities to collaborate and maximize limited resources can
be identified, and current and new DEI efforts can be built, improved, and promoted.
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Community Activities
Rochester Branch of the NAACP, 2022 Freedom Fund Banquet
Dinner, Entertainment, State Conference Remarks, Branch Report, Roll Call of Black Businesses, Black Business Awards
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Community Activities
New report provides data to support health equity investment.
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2022 Luther College Rochester Semester Seminar Project Presentations
Luther College Students:
We are preparing our final presentations in which we will share our ideas about how to create a more equitable city in Rochester.
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