Digital Equity: Infrastructure Planning
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Community Activities
MCM: ACTcon 2021 (Day 1)
Fundraising, communications, and technology are inextricably linked. ACTcon gives nonprofit staff and leaders an opportunity to connect their work with current fundraising and communications trends, new technologies, and innovative approaches to how each can support the other to raise our impact on the communities we serve. In 2021, this virtual convening is an opportunity to look at how these core elements of nonprofit work continue to shift for the long term in response to an ongoing pandemic, racial reckoning, and the impact of a changing climate and economy.
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Community Activities
MCM: ACTcon 2021 (Day 2)
Fundraising, communications, and technology are inextricably linked. ACTcon gives nonprofit staff and leaders an opportunity to connect their work with current fundraising and communications trends, new technologies, and innovative approaches to how each can support the other to raise our impact on the communities we serve. In 2021, this virtual convening is an opportunity to look at how these core elements of nonprofit work continue to shift for the long term in response to an ongoing pandemic, racial reckoning, and the impact of a changing climate and economy.
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Community Activities
Collider Inclusion Open Advisory Board Meeting (May 2021)
1. Overall status update on program
a. OKRs
b. Key updates/outcomes (Referrals- SBDC (certification), pro bono legal services)
2. Upcoming Events (grant related)
a. ROI of DEI, July 23rd
b. Business Panel(s)
3. Upcoming events (non-grant related)
a. Basics of Entrepreneurship
b. Marketing 101
c. Kris event
4. Involvement with Mayors Institute on Job Creation and Economic Opportunity to Improve
Health and Equity with National League of Cities
5. Sustainability of Program
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Human Library at Rochester Public Library In Support of Welcoming Week
The Human Library of Southeastern Minnesota educates people using human experience, cultivating empathy in such a manner that differences, barriers, and prejudice fall away - we expose and nurture the spirit of humankind by building common understanding and connections.
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Community Activities
We will share a progress report on the Community for Health-supported co-
design efforts around the region. Finally, we will share objectives for 2021 and discuss the development of an
equitable community engagement and co-design guide or toolkit.
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Rochester Area - Construction Small Business Support (August 2021)
I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)
II. Minnesota Minority Trades Council(10-15 minutes)
III. National Association of Minority Contractors (10-15 minutes)
IV. Celebrating 2nd Anniversary (15 minutes)
V. Construction Workforce Updates (15 minutes)
2 p.m.
VI. Targeted Business Capacity Building Strategic Plans for Groups (15 minutes each)
A. African American-owned – Jorrie, Kenneth and Wale
B. Hispanic/Latinx-owned – Jorrie, Julio Molina, Mark Thein
C. Women-owned – Jorrie, Robbie Danko and Diane Mirsch
D. Disadvantaged Counties – Jorrie, Mark Thein and Julie Kiehne
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Community Activities
This month, we will give an update on the co-design guide/toolkit, offer updates on other regional “co-
design” projects.
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Community Activities
What is:
Community Beam?
Community Health Beam?
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Community Activities
Collider Inclusion Open Advisory Board Meeting (Dec 2020)
Updates on Ecosystem Navigator launch, Keep it Local Grant.
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