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Performance Excellent Network: Ascending Together
PEN is excited to announce a powerful lineup of nearly 20 local, regional, and national speakers, each sharing insights, tools, and best practices to improve organizational and community outcomes!
Located in Community Activities
RAVA monthly meeting Th. April 20; 11am - 12pm
ntroductions Leadership Team open position - Co-chair: helps coordinate/lead RAVA meetings MAVA ( Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement) Update Home - Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement ( Non-profit Spotlight: Jessica Mollison, Catholic Charities; Active Aging Program Administrator; Upcoming Events - Volunteer Fair (see below); Training - United Way volunteer recruitment platform - How do I use it? What are the benefits? presenter: Vangie Castro, United Way of Olmsted County; Sharing - Volunteer Appreciation month, Updates, Q & A
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Launch Coming to the Table (To be re-scheduled due to inclement weather)
Coming to the Table's mission is "working together to create a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past from slavery to the many forms of racism it spawned." Coming to the Table supports 50+local affiliate groups across eighteen states, including Rochester, MN.
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Ready to Lead 2022 Final Session
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RAVA Virtual Networking Meeting
Located in Community Activities / City4Good Events/News
Moving to the Cloud: Consortium IT Webinar with Alliance and Open Beam
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RAVA Virtual Networking - Responding to COVID as a Volunteer Coordinator
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reENGAGE: 8 Keys to (re)Earn the Hearts of Your Internal & External Customers -- April 20 Online Workshop
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Envisioning 21st Century City - Bridges to China, Diversity Council Fundraising Event
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BarberShop & Social Services OPEN HOUSE
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