Journie Open House 2023
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Community Activities
Rochester Branch of the NAACP, 2023 Freedom Fund Banquet - Thriving Together
Uniting community, leaders, activists, and experts of all ages to build a brighter future for all of us.
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Community Activities
Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Understanding the Boundaries and Building Resilient Communities
Cohosts: Winona State, RCTC: This timely event will feature two key sessions aimed at exploring the balance between free
speech and hate speech, as well as the impacts of hate on marginalized communities. We will
be moderating the discussions.
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Community Activities
UMR and Mayo Clinic: Health disparities within Native & Indigenous Communities
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Community Activities
CAAL Listening Tour - Rochester
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Community Activities
Collider Inclusion Open Advisory Board Meeting
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Community Activities
Empowering Immigrant and Refugee Communities
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Reflection to Action: Human Rights, Racial Justice, and Lessons from Skin Deep
Skin Deep is a PBS documentary written by Prexy Nesbitt and Marian
Marzynski. The documentary examines the fight against legal,
institutionalized racism in the United States and South Africa, from the
1950s through the 1990s, through interviews with the people who took
their protests against segregation and inequality into the streets and
beyond, forcing remarkable changes.
To deny people their human rights is to challenge their
very humanity.
” - Nelson Mandela
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Community Activities
Come see and support Black and Minority businesses in the local and surrounding areas
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Community Activities
Common Cause: Community Townhall
Directly ask your state legislators what they're doing to improve you everyday life!
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Community Activities