April Community of Health
This month, we will offer updates on the co-design guide and training. For the remainder of the meeting, we
will share the new focus and possibly name of the “Community for Health” workgroup based on previous
meeting discussions and conversations with other DMC stakeholders.
Located in
Community Activities
Co-Design Meeting Folder
Virtual Community Forum on Youth Substance Use Prevention!
We are a dedicated team committed to fostering community
dialogue and promoting awareness about the critical issue of
youth substance use.
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Community Activities
Located in
Community Activities
CHAP Value Discussion: What value does the CHAP process bring to you/your organization?
CHIP Collective Impact Discussion: How are
we addressing the top health issues in
Olmsted County?
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Community Activities
Health Assessment & Planning
To showcase 28 Olmsted County's Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Projects
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Community Activities
UMR and Mayo Clinic: Health disparities within Native & Indigenous Communities
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Community Activities
Townhall on Race, Covid-19, Justice System &Health
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Community Activities
Resilient Option
Located in
Community Activities
Sponsored by Chinese Community Center, MN Department of Health, HomelandHealth
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Community Activities
Get vaccinated and receive $50 for 1st, 2nd dose AND ALSO FOR BOOSTER DOSE!
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Community Activities