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Health Assessment & Planning
Co-Design Facilitator Spring 2024 Cohort Graduation
Join the Rochester Co-Design Community to celebrate our third Facilitator Cohort Graduation!
The graduates each completed 25 hours of training over 4 months, learning skills to support successful and meaningful co-design projects. This celebration will provide an opportunity to connect, network, and recruit our next co-design facilitator cohort.
Cake and beverages will be provided. We hope that you can make it.
Registration is encouraged but not required.
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Co-Design Meeting Folder
Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare Conference 2019
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Topics include: Prenatal Co-Design Project;
Sarah Stevens and Sadie Swenson, OCPHS
Julie Ruzek, Cradle 2 Career
CHAP Process: Looking ahead to 2025
Derrick Fritz, CHAP Coordinator
Efforts Being Done to Address Community Health Priorities
Core Agency Updates
CHAP Core Group
Community Announcements and Sharing
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Community Activities
Health Assessment & Planning
Explore Rochester and Give Back: Support Black-owned businesses
As Black History Month 2024 draws to a close, the Rochester Branch of the
NAACP proudly announces the culmination event, the 2nd Annual Black Excellence Expo. Organized in collaboration with
partners such as the Minority Business Network, Black Entrepreneurship Team, Destination Medical Center, and the City
of Rochester, the Expo promises to be a celebration of achievement, creativity and entrepreneurship.
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Community Activities
CHAP Value Discussion: What value does the CHAP process bring to you/your organization?
CHIP Collective Impact Discussion: How are
we addressing the top health issues in
Olmsted County?
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Health Assessment & Planning
City for Health Meeting and Next Steps
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Community Activities
New YMCA Early Childhood Learning Center Open House
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Claiming Our Voices: Rochester Community Meeting with House Representatives
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Community Activities
The focus of this meeting is current supportive housing efforts in Olmsted County (ex. emergency shelter, transitional housing). This is the first of two meetings. The first meeting will focus on identifying assets, gaps and current resources and the second meeting (separate registration) will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas.
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Community Activities