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Collider: 5 Steps to Starting a Business in Minnesota
Join us for a roundtable and coffee to discuss the requirements and steps to start a business in Minnesota.
Located in Community Activities
Collider Inclusion Open Advisory Board Meeting (May 2021)
Agenda: 1. Overall status update on program a. OKRs b. Key updates/outcomes (Referrals- SBDC (certification), pro bono legal services) 2. Upcoming Events (grant related) a. ROI of DEI, July 23rd b. Business Panel(s) 3. Upcoming events (non-grant related) a. Basics of Entrepreneurship b. Marketing 101 c. Kris event 4. Involvement with Mayors Institute on Job Creation and Economic Opportunity to Improve Health and Equity with National League of Cities 5. Sustainability of Program
Located in Community Activities
Economic Mobility for Underserved Residents of Rochester (Invitation Only)
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Tools to Manage Stress, Conflict, and Mental Health: "Resilience Retreat"
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Collider Inclusion Open Advisory Board Meeting (Dec 2020)
Updates on Ecosystem Navigator launch, Keep it Local Grant.
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Collaboration Opporotunities
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(Spanish) Finding your First Customers and sell without being salesy
Congratulations on your new endeavor! Now it’s time to sell! But most people do not like being “sold”… Now what? Learn where to find your first customers and how to sell without being pushy.
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Latino Economic Development Center: Creating Generational Wealth One Entrepreneur at a Time
.At the Latino Economic Development Center, we understand the obstacles that our Latino communities face, and we help aspiring business owners to overcome those barriers to achieve their dreams - and create generational wealth while doing it.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Rochester City Council Study Session: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Barriers Study
Consultant Group: MKC presenting to City Council on DBE study, To understand the current eco-system, challenges, and the barriers of key stakeholders, so that DMC and the City of Rochester can increase participation of Small, Minority/BIPOC, Women and Disadvantaged businesses in its projects.
Located in Community Activities
Fundraising Tool: featuring 4giving
Located in Community Activities