MLK Jr Youth Poetry Contest Submission Deadline
Each year Diversity Council hosts the MLK Youth Poetry Contest in
southeastern Minnesota. Students from all over the region are invited
to submit poems celebrating Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.’s
legacy. This is the 14th year of Diversity Council's poetry contest, and the
theme for this year’s contest is Dr. King’s quote:
“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each
other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other
because they have not communicated with each other.”
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Rochester Human Resource Association : The Sharing of Human Stories
Rochester Human Resource Association invitation to ‘The Sharing of Human Stories’ with the Diversity Council
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Cambodian Community Townhall
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Third Judicial District Report on April 2016: Conversation with the Black Community
The Third Judicial District Equal Justice Committee (EJC) held this Community Listening Session in
collaboration with the Diversity Council of Rochester. The purpose of the session was to listen to
the perspective of local underrepresented populations in order to learn what they believe the
court can do better with respect to understanding their experiences.
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EquityLogic 2.0
Managing & Communicating Across Access a Multi-Generational Workforce
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Strengthening our Human Services Ecosystem by Rochester Nonprofit Consortium
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How Do We See Our Neighbors
Racial Attitudes and Actions In Olmsted County: A presentation and discussion
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Intercultural Cities (ICI) Signing Ceremony
On Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 the Journey to Growth team along with the City of Rochester will welcome Irena Guidikova from the Council of Europe for a special Signing Ceremony.
The Ceremony will take place at 11:00 am in the Rochester City Hall atrium. The public is encouraged to attend this momentous occasion and meet Irena!
For more information on the Council of Europe and the Intercultural Cities Initiative visit https://bit.ly/2HTriCn
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Enter and win a free iPad
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The C.E.R.T team can help you get the information and submit it to receive $200 Visa Gift card.
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